I offer individual therapy for adults and family therapy for parents, caregivers, adolescents and adult children.


Figuring out adult-ing

You know your version of adulthood isn’t going to look quite like your parents’ version— or maybe like any of the adults you’ve known.

You have dreams of a big life— and no road map for how to get there.

The quarterlife years (roughly ages 18 to 39) are full of major transitions and personal growth. I work with young and not-so-young adults navigating higher education, career, relationships and family building.

fertility, pregnancy & postpartum

Approaching Parenthood

Sometimes the path to parenthood feels clear and straightforward… and sometimes it’s anything but. I work with folks wherever they are on that road, including:

  • Conception and fertility struggles

  • LGBTQ and single-by-choice family building

  • Pregnancy loss and terminations

  • Pregnancy and postpartum concerns, such as high risk pregnancy, birth trauma and postpartum mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs)

  • Coming into your sense of yourself as a parent

eating disorders

A new relationship with food + body

Eating disorders don’t discriminate: they affect people of all ages, genders, sexual orientations, body sizes and racial and ethnic identities. People who experience stigma and marginalization— such as racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and fatphobia— are at greater risk of developing an eating disorder, and are often less likely to be diagnosed or receive treatment.

I work with individuals who are seeking more freedom and ease in their relationship to food, body and movement.

I offer individual therapy for adults and Family Based Treatment (FBT) for adolescents with eating disorders.

My practice is informed by Health at Every Size (HAES), anti-diet and body liberation frameworks.